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Monday, January 31, 2011

How to cash in on Hubbing,Blogging,and your own free website!!!

How to cash in on Hubbing,Blogging,and your own free website!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Great site you can earn money with your photos!
This is one of my favorite hubs!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

This one is so great for parents!!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Movie Remakes

Creativity and Movie Remakes
Today, I am going to get on my soap box and ask, why are we getting all these remade movies? Is it a fad or is it a lack of creativity? Many of the movies we loved are great movies "as is" why remake them? I do think it might be fun for the actors to play a part in a movie they loved. I did go and see "True Grit" I think Jeff Bridges did a great job, and the little girl did a wonderful job also, the bit part characters however did not. Is this a severe case of writers block? or is it a lack of creativity in our younger generation? I would love to have you all give me feedback on this issue.

My husband says as soon is there is a really cool movie in the theaters hes going to watch it and then after the movie he will walk out and say. " wow, I cant wait to remake this movie!"